

keyword: bannann fri, bannann peze
即fried plaintains, pressed plaintains。

亲测用芭蕉尝试的,配小米辣还不错,虽然自己做的只是徒有外表,味道也不一定正宗,但有灵魂! 表情

推荐一个英语翻译软件——Mr. Dialect

推荐一个英语翻译软件——Mr. Dialect

About the translator

Our dialect translator uses the latest artificial intelligence to provide you with precise and authentic dialect translations. Although the translation model is still in the alpha phase, we are constantly working to improve and optimize it.

We are aware that there may still be difficulties in translating from one language into a dialect. We therefore ask for your understanding in the event of any discrepancies in the translation of your text. However, we are confident that our translations will still be of great value to you.

Try it now and discover the diversity of British dialects! We hope you will find our website useful and interesting.


康沃尔语是独立语言,不是方言! 表情


康沃尔语广播Radyo An Gernewegva第719期2024年11月15日

康沃尔语广播Radyo An Gernewegva第719期2024年11月15日


Mars is a bit of a gathering in Cornish for chatting, and I love hearing stories from the past. I'm keen on collecting recordings made by Cornish classes; plays, games, derivatives, and more. Keep your eyes peeled, and we can have a chinwag about it.


  • New podcast – Jerry Sethir
  • We're eating lovely cake – Nicholas Williams
  • Season news

Songs of the season:

  • “Way Down the Road” – Simon Glanville
  • “Ringin' the Fiddler’s Bell” – Bucca
  • “On and Two Twenty” – Asteveryn
  • “Don't Skip Out” – James Hawken
  • “Sevi's Blessin’ / Hard Rock Miner” – Martha Woods
  • “We're Standin’ Strong” – Laurie Huggett
  • “Goodbye” – Brenda Wootom and Dick Gendall
  • “Tregi's Fest” – System Son Kernow with Jon Mills
  • “Oh, Fair One” – Benjad
  • “Omwith” – Graham Sandercock

News of the Season

There's offers to build bridges over the A twenty-two to Plusha. You've gotta make one more round trip to the fair now. Well, four twenty-somethings gotta sort themselves.

The Cornish Gathering of Islands Sylvan is performing specially for Scillonian four. Made in the courtyard Piriou in Vietnam. There'll be more outfits with them – call them the Menawethan. The two wonders will be thinking on any other four-hundred twenty-something.

Market Amanen Resrudh is getting in on the action. A teller for stories and folks is making room for lads. They’ve made their old cares in the heart of the place.

Mordardhores of Kernow is raisin' spirits in California. Charlotte Banfield is takin' her part in the Para-Vordhardha of the World. The lady of Druru got the world title in the part "Savla Three".




ararat-tempest wrote:
I think if a language wanna get attention of the world, it has to be easy to get into, and its written form should be convenient to use.

Neither Chinese nor Japanese are easy to get into yet they enjoy incredible attention ;). Not even English is easy to get into, let alone convenient to use (think about the chaotic spelling)... Easiness is not a criterion for grabbing attention, obviously there are other factors that prevail.

ararat-tempest wrote: 
there's nothing wrong with the Arabic alphabets but I do think it's not convenient to use. though these kinds of writing system with final, initial, medial and isolated forms may make a beautiful appearance while writing, it's hard to remember for beginners and might increase the time of learning and mastering.

It is not that bad. If you look from another perspective the Arabic script is based on only few basic patterns (fewer than the Latin alphabet). Once you get a hang of it you then realize how fast you can write it. It's been designed for speed writing. The difficulty of different letter forms at different positions may be compared to capital letters in the Latin alfphabet. Strictly speaking we don't need them (we don't pronounce capital letters differently) and they are an additional burden for the learner.

If it were so bad, the writing systems of languages like Farsi or Urdu for which the Arabic script is less-than-optimal would have been changed long by now. Sticking to the Arabic script has a strong emotional component that also carries a religious message. The romanization reforms of other Turkic speaking nations in the area may be due to the fact that they had already been deprived of that heritage and now want to shed the writing system that might be considered as imposed on them by their oppressor.

I don't want to make any statement which writing system is the best. Let the nations decide themselves what suits them. The author of the article that you quoted puts it nicely:

any reform that isolated from the people will be failed.

And then, quoting another scholar:

some people say we should reform the writing system. I said no and we cannot reform the writing system right now. We cannot treat a nation’s writing system as a joke. We changed the writing system every twenty years.

There have been some attempts to latinize Chinese in the past. In the early 20th century, there was a movement known as the latinxua sin wenz (拉丁化新文字), which advocated for the adoption of a Latin-based phonetic writing system to replace Chinese characters. However, the project was met with resistance from traditionalists and faced practical challenges, leading to its limited implementation.

I understand the reasons for latinizing languages, but if you ask me, I wouldn't want the Chinese characters to disappear. Most of the Chinese people I've met still want to preserve hanzi, although they also acknowledge that they sometimes struggle to remember how to write them correctly. @ararat-tempest As a Chinese native speaker, what do you think will happen in the future?

-我 (ararat-tempest)
the problem is the point of a language learner, or a language researcher, or a culture protector, or a normal person. I'm a language learner and have interests on language research, so I concentrate on "easiness" and care about the writing system. yeah, English isn't easy to get into at the start, and I never say English is easy, but look at Esperanto if you like.
maybe your native language is Arabic script related, so you said that wasn't a big issue. the "easiness" is very personal I'd say, but comparing with the population of Latin script users...
I don't want to make any statement of which writing system is good or bad, they're just what people got used to be after all. this stuff is like art I suppose, people tend to be subjective all the time.
I don't want Chinese characters to disappear either, but the Chinese language can be Latinized. so we can learn from Serbia, let the two writing systems go hand in hand.
but speaking personally, I really hate the traditions which might get in the way of "cultural improvement" (eg. superstitions). well, okay, I totally agree it should be Latinized like Vietnamese! I do have struggle to remember some characters and using Chinese input is a chore I have to say! there are way tooooooooooooooooo many traditionalists in China, and 拉丁化新文字 will be only a dream if these guys are still around, sigh.
my parents said I had already known 1000 Chinese characters when I was only 5 or 6 and was able to read newspapers. but what I thought was, "won't it be better if we use pinyin only and every Latin alphabet has only one sound for Chinese? won't I have more time to learn other stuffs?" no joke, I had that kind of thought in my childhood.

In that case, perhaps Chinese isn't fully latinizable. Any other phonetic transcription system would have the same problem with homophones.
In Chinese there are words that are pronounced exactly the same, even with the same tone. I think this gives rise to some jokes and puns. Maybe our Chinese friends can give us some funny examples .

-我 (ararat-tempest)
I was thinking of this problem last night before I slept. but how about something like this...

use "v" instead of "ü".
use tone letters instead of original pinyin. this would make the input faster. (let me borrow Zhuang's tone letters with the same idea. 阴平, 阳平, 上声, 去声 = h, q, x, z, 轻声 has no tone letter.)
when you meet a homophone, add a number.
every word stands out instead of every character.
use ' to indicate every character in a word.
pinyin: zhāng lǎo shī xǐ huān lǜ sè.
my idea:
zhangh1 laox'shih xix'huanh lvz'sez.
zhangh2 laox'shih xix'huanh lvz'sez.

people have to remember whether it's 张 - 1 or 章 - 2. so, it's not a fully functional idea.
but I have a plan B.
how about, use the initial consonant of the 部首 to indicate? this wouldn't be a chore to remember.
so, it should be like this,
zhangh-g laox'shih xix'huanh lvz'sez.
zhangh-l laox'shih xix'huanh lvz'sez.
explanation: 张, 弓字旁, 弓 = gōng, so it's "g". 章, 立字旁, 立 = lì, so it's "l".
much better, huh?


人类的一个本质是复读机,但是另一个本质是比较。凡事都要比较一下,凡事都要排个名,仿佛这对于自己精神或肉体有什么改观一样,I don't get it, but I somehow understand.

chatgpt排名的这个,很明显是基于印欧语系为母语的人说的,而且实际学过德语的人都知道这语言让人多么头疼!词汇丰富不代表学习简单,the same goes English。荷兰语我学了快1年了,虽然有所谓的V2规则,但是有时候你还是会在使用中放错副词在句子的位置,尽管实际说的时候,当地人可能会理解,但心理没准还是会稍微鄙视你一下呢23333 挪威语“词汇量相对较小”的观点我不知道从何而来,但挪威文学中出现的许多抽象名词与英语相比还是有些“不够直白”但回想起来让人觉得“意味深长”。

考试百科的这个,Frisian有多个分支,我不知道这里说的是哪个,这几个分支的关系不是方言那么简单,可以算作是相对独立的了,而且互相之间mutual intelligibility其实不是很高,不过和英语关系紧密是真的。英语并不是个简单易学的语言,至少它不像马来语、印尼语那么phonetic,即一个字母或diphthong、triphthong之类的对应一个发音,看到生词你还是需要查词典去看准确读音。“大多数语言学家把世界语列为最容易学习的语言”这点没问题,Esperanto的确是最容易学习的语言,但只是“之一”,实际上有比世界语还好学的,但是4小时就学会是完全不可能的,因为你还是需要背单词,外加它有上万的词汇量,所谓的“学会了”是指水平到了C2?四小时顶多让你水平到A2,这还是理想情况。纠正下,那个是“南非荷兰语”而不是“南非语”,南非有11个官方语言呢,从难度上属于比荷兰语简单,比英语稍难,所以说它简单的一定是匈牙利语学多了。另外,认为法语简单的童鞋可以从100楼跳下去了,你是天才,再见。


因此,最简单的语言我投票给Lingua Franca Nova、Interlingue Occidental、Interlingua、Globasa,以及有名的Toki Pona,至少上述问题,这些人造语言都没有,还消除了世界语中的复杂因素(比如宾格要在名词后加n这种...),近乎可以做到语法入门后只需要背单词就行了。
但Toki Pona绝对不是最简单的,虽然它连词汇都很有限(核心词汇不到200),但构词上需要你绞尽脑汁一下,毕竟基础词汇有限,在表示一些基础词汇以外词的时候,你就得想怎么考虑了,这个在无形中耗费了你的时间去思考,而不能做到像其他语言一样脱口而出,最后只能提前想,和背单词一样了,这一点反而和Toki Pona的初衷背道而驰,只是单纯地把lexicon化为用少数核心单词组成的“词组”罢了......
所以,Lingua Franca Nova、Interlingue Occidental、Interlingua这三个的理念还是不错的——只针对本土语言是罗曼语族的用户,即理解西法葡意等语言的speaker可以轻松记忆这三个语言的词汇;语法上还简化了本可以没必要有的元素(比如格系统),所以我个人推荐学这三个。或者,如果你懂俄语、乌克兰语、波兰语等那些斯拉夫语族语言的话,可以试试Interslavic,道理同上。
至于针对世界语的用户,我建议你学Ido——简化版的世界语。 表情

总之,conlang总体上就是比自然语言简单易学,这一点是毋庸置疑的,否则这些conlang就只是用在文艺作品中了。那么请问,Volapük你为什么要这么难呢? 表情




Scots (Scots Leid, Lallans)
omniglot page

"The term 'Scots’ is now a generic term which covers every aspect of the language: the language of the medieval makkars and the Scottish Court, the literary Scots which developed after around1700 and all the surviving dialects, such as the speech of Buchan,the Borders and Caithness. Contemporary colloquial Scots is what is left to us of the State Language of Scotland before the Union of the Crowns in 1603......"
——from the book "A Scots Grammar"

personally recommended books used to learn Scots:
A Scots Grammar & Usage by David Purves
Luath Scots Language Learner by L. Colin Wilson
Scoor-oot - A Dictionary of Scots Words and Phrases in Current Use by James A. C. Stevenson with Iseabail MacLeod
Ulster-Scots Language Guides - Spelling and Pronunciation Guide by Ivan Herbison, Philip Robinson, Anne Smyth




Zhuang (Vahcuengh)
languages of the Chinese minorities are the most “familiar” but most “unfamiliar” language for Chinese people. "familiar", because they're used in China, “unfamiliar”, because many Han Chinese people have no idea about these languages.
many "westerners" I've known on the Internet don‘t know anything about this language, but as I said before, Zhuang has gained more attention from people around the world these years.
it seems like I'm the only person who has mentioned this language here, so let's get to know this babe. :P
basic information from Omniglot
Zhuang - Chinese - English Lexicon
I noticed this online dictionary has some words from Zhuang's various dialects, but most of them are used in the Standard Zhuang.
an article about the grammar, briefly, in order to give you the main idea how this language "looks like".

a big applause to the beloved Chinese government, you did a great job standardize this beautiful language. ;)
speaking of the government, here's an example.
Cwngfuj Gunghcoz Baugau (the Work Report of the Government), 2019

what Vahcuengh appeals to me are,
1- it's fully LATINIZED, no need to learn another kind of writing system.
2- it's rich in history.
3- sawndip is interesting.
4- the six tones are distinguishable, easily.
5- there IS the Standard Zhuang. (comparing with some languages which only have several dialects)

there are also many words borrowed from or similar to Mandarin Chinese (at least on pronunciation), so if you're good at Chinese, get a try!

btw, I also ever met some Chinese people who felt confused between Zhuang and English.
I don't understand. was that a satire?誒話
very weird. does this count as a Vahcuengh pidgin, creole, or just a dialect?
a good place to practise your Vahcuengh reading level.


Liuj Cunghyenz

original Classical Chinese:

translated Vahcuengh:
Daj ndoi iq byaij coh baihsae it bak ngeihcib lai yamq, raeb ndoeng faexcuk ndeu, couh ndaejnyi sing raemx lae, lumj vunz raek soijnyawh youq gwnzndang doxdongj oksing nei, dingq le ndawsim angqvauvau bae. Raemj dawz faexcuk deuz, hai diuz loh ndeu byaij gvaqbae, riengz loh byaij bae couh raen aen raengz iq ndeu, raemxraengz sawdikdik liengzseuseu. Aen raengziq neix aeu baenz ngauq rin guh daej, giz gyawj henzmboek, daej rin miz mbangj gienj doxok, loh ok gwnzraemx, baenz le giz sang gyang raemx, baenz le aen daujiq gyang raemx, baenz le rin gumzgemx gyang raemx, baenz le aen dat gyang raemx. Henz raengz faex heuswdswd, gaeu heu oiqup, doxgoemq doxheux, bibuengq duengh roengz, camca mbouj bingz, riengz rumz binengneng. Ndaw raengz aiq miz bak lai duz bya, cungj lumj youz youq gyangmbwn nei, mbouj miz saek gaiq baengh, ndit soh ciuq daemx daej, ngaeuzbya ingj youq gwnzrin. Ngawzngwd dinghsub mbouj doengh saek di, sawqmwh youh youz coh gizgyae, baebae dauqdauq, riengjri riengjret, lumj caeuq bouxyouz doxangq guhcaemz. Muengh coh baih saenamz aen raengzrin iq neix, raen diuzrij lumj ndaundeiq songzmou nei ngutngeuj, raemx lumj duzngwz nei nonx ndang ngutngeuj lae bae gizgyae, duenh rongh yawj ndaej raen, duenh ndumj yawj mbouj raen. Gij yiengh song henzmboek lumj heujma nei sangdaemq doxcab, mbouj rox goekrij youq gyawz.Gou naengh youq henz raengz, seiqhenz cungj dwg faexcuk caeuq faex wnq humx dawz, caemrwgrwg, mbouj miz saek boux vunz. Hawj vunz roxnyinh dungxcieg simliengz, heiqnit ciemq haeuj ndok, caemrwg caemrig, caenh raen simnaiq. Aenvih gizneix caemcieg lai, mbouj hab youq nanz lai, baenzneix geiq gij yienghsiengq aen raengziq neix le couh dauqbae lo.Doengh boux caemh bae youz de miz: Vuz Vujlingz, Gungh Guj, daegnuengx gou Cunghyenz. Miz song daegmbauq singq Cuih riengz bae: Boux ndeu heuhguh Sugij, boux ndeu heuhguh Fungyiz.

I read a bit of the translated version. wow, my tongue twisted like a whirlpool in my mouth lol.


Dau Yenmingz

original Classical Chinese:
先生不知何许人也,亦不详其姓字,宅边有五柳树,因以为号焉。闲静少言,不慕荣利。好读书,不求甚解;每有会意,便欣然忘食。性嗜酒,家贫不能常得。亲旧知其如此,或置酒而招之;造饮辄尽,期在必醉。既醉而退,曾不吝情去留。环堵萧然,不蔽风日;短褐穿结,箪瓢屡空,晏如也。常著文章自娱,颇示己志。忘怀得失,以此自终。赞曰:黔娄之妻有言:“不戚戚于贫贱,不汲汲于富贵。”其言兹若人之俦乎? 衔觞赋诗,以乐其志。 无怀氏之民欤?葛天氏之民欤?!

translated Vahcuengh:
Ae de mbouj rox vunz gizlawz, caemh mbouj rox singq de sw de; baengh ranz he miz haj go liuj, vihneix heu "Vujliuj" guh hau de, vunz cingz bak noix,mbouj haenh leih mbouj haenh mingz. Gyaez doeg saw, mbouj vaek gungx; baezbaez yawj rox di ngeiq laeu, cix angq daengz lumz gwn haeux. Ngaek gwn laeuj, ngaihnaeuz ranz hoj mbouj ndaej seizseiz gwn. Beixnuengx doihde rox naeuz de yiengz neix,mizbaen hai daiz aeu laeuj daeuj daih de; de caenh'aeu be gwn laeuj gwnz daiz couh raeg caez, muengz naeuz aeu ndaej fiz. Fiz liu naeuz deuz couh deuz,ndi yawj vunz ru. Ndaw ranz de hoengq vangvang, mbouj ndaej laengz rumz mbouj ndaej gang ndit; geu buhgendinj baengzco he fong bae fong daeuq, ceizceiz ndi miz gwn ndi miz cawj, daennaeuz de simonjat, lumj ndiz gaiqmaz ru. De ceizceiz raiz faenzcieng daeuj gag caemz, rienh'ok ceiqheiq de. Ndaej hix baenz law hix baenz cunhj mbouj haeuj sim de, ciuz neix couh yiengh de gvaq. Haenh naeuz: yah Cenlou miz vah gangj "Mbouj you hoj mouj ngeix fatcaiz". Coenz neix lumj naeuz ae cungj neix. Itmienh gwn laeuj itmienh guh sei,angq naeuz ceiqheiq dingh.Mbouj rox de dwg vunz ciuz Uvaiswj, roxnaeuz vunz ciuz Hozdenswj?!


Couh Dunhyiz

original Classical Chinese:

translated Vahcuengh:
Ndawraemx dieghawq go’nywj gofaex hai gij va haenx, duj dwggyaez gig lai. Cincauz Dauz Yenhmingz dandog gyaez vagut. Daj mwh Dangzcauz singq Lij doxdaeuj, vunzlai gig gyaez vamauxdan. Gou gag gyaez va'ngaeux ok ndaw boengz cix mbouj uqlah, raemxsaw swiq seuq cix mbouj feq, gongq soh ndaw byouq, mbouj raih mbouj nye, heiqrang gvaq doengh, daengjsoh cenghseuq, ndaej youq gizgyae yawjngonz cix mbouj ndaej loenghyaek de. Gou nyinhnaeuz, vagut, dwg bouxndoj ndaw va; vamauxdan, dwg bouxfouqgviq ndaw va; va'ngaeux, dwg bouxginhswj ndaw va. Ae! Gyaez vagut, Dauz Yenhmingz gvaqlaeng le gig noix dingqnyi. Gyaez va'ngaeux, lumj gou nei lij miz bouxlawz? Gyaez vamauxdan, vunz caen lai dahraix!

ae! reading vahcuengh is rather difficult but fun!

more from me:
与越南语相比,壮语学习很有挑战性,同时也很有reward,但是特殊的拉丁化书写系统,外加大量来自汉语的外来语,对于汉语使用者来讲,难度却下降了不少。建议汉语言文学专业的童鞋,和有越南语学习经验或越南语专业的童鞋尝试学习。 表情
