如果你喜欢玩恐怖游戏,真心推荐你不要错过失忆症系列!!因为它是一款巨优秀的恐怖游戏@88# 失忆症一般不会高频率出现一惊一乍的东西,但是从气氛上它相当给人一种压抑的感觉。 如果你不晕3D的话(WinXP平台不支持),这游戏绝对有福玩!!!@100# 推荐另外一部:黑暗后裔!!!
喜欢恐怖游戏的玩家的福音来啦,Frictional Games的恐怖大作《失忆症:猪猡的机器》(Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs)将于9月10日登陆PC和Mac。开发商承诺该作将和前作一样恐怖,该作目前正由Frictional Games和The Chinese Room(《Dear Esther》的开发商)共同开发。 配置要求 Minimum: OS: Windows Vista Processor: 2.0 Ghz core i5 CPU or equivalent. Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: Mid-range NVIDIA GeForce 3x0 / ATI Radeon HD 5x00. Integrated Intel HD Graphics should work but is not supported; problems are generally solved with a driver update. Hard Drive: 5 GB available space Recommended: OS: Windows 7 Processor: 2.0 Ghz core i7 CPU or equivalent. Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: High-range NVIDIA GeForce 5x0 / ATI Radeon HD 6x00. Integrated Intel HD Graphics should work but is not supported; problems are generally solved with a driver update. Hard Drive: 5 GB available space 安装信息 1. 解压缩 2. 载入镜像 3. 安装游戏 4. 复制SKIDROW文件夹下的破解补丁到游戏目录覆盖 5. 运行游戏 游戏截图 [attach]245818[/attach] [attach]245819[/attach] [attach]245820[/attach] [attach]245821[/attach] 游戏实况视频: [media=x,500,375]http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjA3NDk0Mjky.html[/media] 下载地址: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2586939561